CCTV News Audience Survey 2013

2013 CCTV News Audience Survey ended on July 25th. The survey commissioned by CCTV, and assisted to host by WCETV(The multi-media platform of R & C Media Group, Inc), which are mainly recruited from overseas visitors on CCTV-News comments and ratings, in order to provide a better service to television viewers.

The winners of the randomly selected surveys won great prizes such as: 42 inches HDTV(total eight), ReFa Pro Electronic Roller, ReFa body serum, and a $50 gift card from Vua Kho Bo.

R&C Media Group, Inc, as the cooperation partner of CCTV, provided a convenient way for the audience to get involved in the survey.


爲了回饋廣大觀眾一直以來對CCTV-News的大力支持,问卷调查抽奖活动于2013年12月12日(周四),早上十点在R&C Studios举行。開獎嘉賓為本次調查活動抽選出得獎幸運觀眾。八名幸運觀眾將獲得42寸的LED電視,其他參與調查填写了问卷的幸運觀眾獲得高級美容儀和中國中央電視臺提供的精美禮品。
