Voice of Canton 2019

We’re accepting new applications for the Voice of Canton! We’re so excited to announce that the Voice of Canton 2019 is back with new talent and new faces that represent Cantonese culture. We can’t wait to hear from you. 2019 Voice of Canton Application Form


2019 “Voice of Canton” singing competition strikes again! The event objective is to rebuild the confidence and influence of Cantonese Pop Music and to encourage people to learn more about classic Chinese culture. There are five divisions in total including Guang Dong, Guang Xi, Hai Nan, Hong Kong and Macau in China, plus overseas division. Guang Dong TV America and WCETV/R&C Media Group Inc. are hosts of all the activities in U.S. west.

《2019 粵語好聲音—全球粵語歌唱大匯》是廣東電視臺珠江頻道發起,并聯合廣東電臺音樂之聲主辦的粵語歌唱大賽。



本屆《粵語好聲音》美國西岸賽區的全部賽事,仍由廣東國際美洲臺 Ch31.4頻道攜手朗思傳媒集團旗下的WCETV銀視網共同主辦。


* Be at least 18 years of age

* Valid ID and without any civil or criminal charges.

* Participants have to sing in Cantonese.


* 年滿18周歲

* 持有有效身份證件,無犯罪記錄

* 其中一首參賽歌曲須為粵語歌曲


* Send a 60 second vocal audio track (without music), together with filled-out registration form to wcetvdigital@gmail.com before July 27, 2019 to enter first preliminary.


* 評判方法嚴格按照廣東電視臺指定標準執行


Pronunciation (15%), Quality and Skill (65%), Stage Performance and Attire (20%)


The Final singing competition is separated into three categories: fast song, slow song, and self-choice song. Awards will be given to First, Second, and Third place as well as Best Performance, Best Attire, and Best Voice.


U.S. West Division best three have a chance to go to Guangzhou to enter TOP 50 Singing Competition. During the competition in Guangzhou, all food, lodging, and travel expenses will be paid by Guangdong TV and contestants will receive professional singing, dancing, and staging training. The final winner will receive 500,000 RMB prize and performance contract.



美西賽區活動期間,各電視頻道每月不少於100次電視宣傳片播出。每條宣傳片時長為30秒。GDTV-31.4頻道將播出活動花絮。 GDTV-31.4頻道將轉播美西賽區複賽、決賽活動。時長各為120分鐘。