WCM Press Conference Recap
(WCM Press Conference Recap) Women of China is a magazine that unites women around the world. And the magazine does so by telling compelling stories of bold women and their life journey builds a bond between women who experience similar events. This magazine is meant to inspire and entertain.

《中國女性》美洲版首刊新聞發布會由中國婦女外文期刊社和WCETV銀視網共同主辦,於2016年7月29日上午在南海岸廣場(South Coast Plaza)VIP中心舉行。南海岸購物廣場代表Brian Chuan,銀視網總裁Billy Chung,洛杉磯傑出女性代表Mei Mei Huff,劉美芳律師等出席首刊發行新聞發佈會并在活動上發言。
(WCM Press Conference Recap) Because of the great support of the community, the press conference was located a local hub for many. Located at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, California. CEO of R&C Media Group, Inc. Billy Chung released the first issue of Women of China Magazine here in the United States. As an effort to unite women across the globe, this magazine will include articles on culture, lifestyle, and more.

雜誌的發行收到了中國駐洛杉磯總領事館的賀信,并受到了洛杉磯各界僑團及政府官員的廣泛關注和高度評價。雜誌首刊發行活動上,Mei Mei Huff代表加州參議員Bob Huff向銀視網總裁Billy Chung頒發雜誌首刊發行祝賀狀。來自洛杉磯的各行各業的女性精英代表閱讀《中國女性》雜誌并熱烈交流,對雜誌的高品質內容讚不絕口,并紛紛表示期待下一期的雜誌發行。
On July 29, 2016, we were joined by South Coast Plaza Representative Brian Chuan and Representative for California State Senator Mei Mei Huff. They spoke on the outstanding representation of people in Women of China. They focused on the spiritual growth and shared life experiences.


Due to the growth of the populations of Chinese Americans in the United States, this magazine will seek to reach out to these women to spread the Chinese culture and lifestyle.

《中國女性》美洲版的面世,一直受到國內外各界人士的廣泛關注,雜誌精選的內容將給海內外讀者帶來豐富的閱讀體驗,也是中國女性走向世界和世界了解中國女性的橋樑和紐帶。 雜誌訂閱信息請至中國婦女英文網www.womenofchina.com 及http://RC-MediaGroup.com ,或致電626-912-3388。
Manage your subscription at Women of China website, www.womenofchina.com or at 626-912-3388 ext. 218.