King Mic 2016 Recap – West Coast Division Competition 2016《麥王爭霸》火热进行 美西赛区嘜王誕生 On September 10, 2016, we hosted the 4th King of Mic Competition on behalf of GDTV on Ch. 31.4. Located at the R&C Studios, we showcased some truly talented men, women and children. 由廣東電視臺珠江頻道主辦的2016《麥王爭霸》全球歌唱大匯今夏火熱開戰。今年《麥王爭霸》美西赛区由廣東國際美洲臺Ch31.4攜手WCETV銀視網主辦,於9月10日在R&C Studios圓滿落下帷幕。 Since its launch in 2011, King of Mic has...