King Mic 2016 Recap – West Coast Division Competition 2016《麥王爭霸》火热进行 美西赛区嘜王誕生 On September 10, 2016, we hosted the 4th King of Mic Competition on behalf of GDTV on Ch. 31.4. Located at the R&C Studios, we showcased some truly talented men, women and children. 由廣東電視臺珠江頻道主辦的2016《麥王爭霸》全球歌唱大匯今夏火熱開戰。今年《麥王爭霸》美西赛区由廣東國際美洲臺Ch31.4攜手WCETV銀視網主辦,於9月10日在R&C Studios圓滿落下帷幕。 Since its launch in 2011, King of Mic has...
Miss Bikini 2015 Kristina Karpechenkova
Introducing, Kristina Karpechenkova, our Miss Bikini 2015 champion! We decided to catch up with her and see where she is now and how her experience in the competition changed her perspectives and her life. Say hello to one of the most energetic, beautiful, and sweet ladies we have come across in our story...
King of Mic 2015 Recap
On August 15, 2015 at the R & C Studios, the WCETV – R & C Media Group, Inc. hosted the King of Mic 2015 singing competition where dozens of contestants gathered to win a chance to go to Guangzhou, China to participate in the GDTV’s King of Mic International Championship. King of Mic...
GDTV Third Year Anniversary 2015
On 02/07/15, Guang Dong TV visited the R&C Studio in the City of Industry to celebrate their 3rd consecutive year of broadcasting in the United States. In cooperation with WCETV, GDTV Cantonese, Mandarin, and English programs were broadcast on free-to-air DTV, as well as simulcasted on the Internet and mobile devices around the world....