On March 8, 2018, WCETV – R&C Media Group, Inc. spent the afternoon with Pechanga for their Asian Media Night. An incredible experience, in the Four Diamond service hotel, seeing their $300 million expansion come to life. We are even more excited about the number of rooms totaling to a grand 1,090 with 55″...
King Mic 2016 Recap
King Mic 2016 Recap – West Coast Division Competition 2016《麥王爭霸》火热进行 美西赛区嘜王誕生 On September 10, 2016, we hosted the 4th King of Mic Competition on behalf of GDTV on Ch. 31.4. Located at the R&C Studios, we showcased some truly talented men, women and children. 由廣東電視臺珠江頻道主辦的2016《麥王爭霸》全球歌唱大匯今夏火熱開戰。今年《麥王爭霸》美西赛区由廣東國際美洲臺Ch31.4攜手WCETV銀視網主辦,於9月10日在R&C Studios圓滿落下帷幕。 Since its launch in 2011, King of Mic has...
WCETV 20th Anniversary
WCETV 20th Anniversary WCETV銀視網二十周年,不斷創新,科技領先 On August 20th, 2016, we celebrated WCETV’s 20th Anniversary with R&C Media Group, Inc. It has been twenty years of continuous love and support from our employees, past and present, from our media partners, and especially from our viewers. We were blessed to have this celebration with people of our...
WCM Press Conference Recap
WCM Press Conference Recap (WCM Press Conference Recap) Women of China is a magazine that unites women around the world. And the magazine does so by telling compelling stories of bold women and their life journey builds a bond between women who experience similar events. This magazine is meant to inspire and entertain. 《中國女性》美洲版首刊發行 《中國女性》美洲版首刊新聞發布會由中國婦女外文期刊社和WCETV銀視網共同主辦,於2016年7月29日上午在南海岸廣場(South Coast...
CNR Host Competition Recap
《全球華語網絡主播大賽》美國賽區正式啟動 新聞發佈稿 2015年1月9日,《全球華語網絡主播大賽》美國賽區總決賽于南海岸購物廣場(South Coast Plaza)舉行。《全球華語網絡主播大賽》已經連續在中國舉辦兩屆,今年第三屆特設美國賽區,由中國中央人民廣播電台和WCETV美國銀視網聯合主辦,美國賽區總決賽于南海岸購物廣場(South Coast Plaza)冠名贊助。南海岸購物廣場國內與國際市場高級總監Werner Escher,銀視網總裁Billy Chung等出席了本次大賽。 The “Global Chinese Network Host Contest” U.S. Regional Final is held on January 9, 2016 at South Coast Plaza in Orange County. The contest has been held in China for 2013 and 2014. This year, the U.S. region of “Global Chinese Network Host Contest” is...