On 09/02/14, The Vice President of CCTV (Central China Television), Mr. Hu En, signed a rebroadcasting contract with the president of R&C Media Group, Inc., Mr. Billy Chung. Deputy Consul General in Los Angeles, Mr. Sun Lushan, Ms. Ma Jing from CCTV America, the office manager of China TV Corp Mr. Stephen Yang and other R&C friends witnessed the ceremony as well.
The signing took place at the spacious R&C Studios located in City of Industry, California. This contract states that R&C Media Group, Inc. will continue be an authorized exclusive distributor on DTV for CCTV programs in North America.
R&C Media Group, Inc. has been the partner of CCTV since 1998. Over 16 years, CCTV was the first one to place their real-time programming on Internet Broadband Platform of WCETV (a DBA of R&C Media Group, Inc.). After the year of 2008, through China TV Corp., R&C Media Group, Inc. starts to re-broadcast CCTV programs on DTV and cable networks. Now, CCTV-News can be viewed on KTBU Ch55.6 in Houston, KVMD Ch31.9 in Los Angeles, KICU Ch36.3 and Comcast Cable in San Francisco, WCHU Ch61.2 in Chicago, and KSBT Ch32.2 in Santa Barbara. CCTV-9 (the English Documentary channel) also can be viewed in Chicago and Santa Barbara.
This contract has been signed between CCTV and R&C Media Group, Inc. again, it is the part of the efforts to continue deploying CCTV programs in US. The purpose of this effort is to serve the International Chinese American communities. It allows the viewers to understand the Chinese culture, economy, and tourism in China today. CCTV is in a unique position and equally unique philosophy: “Global reach, Chinese eyes and window to the world”, and aims to attract more and more attention in North America viewers.
2014 年9 月2 日,中國中央電視台胡恩副台長帶領的代表團蒞臨美國朗思傳媒集團 (R&C Media Group, Inc.)進行參觀指導工作,并舉行節目落地轉播的簽約儀式。中國 駐洛杉磯副總領事孫魯山,中央電視台台辦公室副主任高進印,中央電視台北美分台負責 人麻靜,中央電視台海外傳播中心統籌規劃部主任陳禮東,中國電視公司代表Stephen Yang,美國朗思傳媒集團主席Billy Chung 等出席簽約儀式。
中國中央電視台自1998 年與朗思傳媒集團合作以來,中央台中文國際頻道(CCTV- 4)節目全球領先在集團的WCETV 銀視網全頻道寬頻播出。2009 年,中文國際頻道節 目首次在地面數碼頻道全天24 小時實時轉播,覆蓋大洛杉磯地區,電視觀衆超過1,600 萬。自2000 年開始,朗思傳媒集團通過中國電視公司,幫助中國中央電視台英語新聞頻 道陸續在德克薩斯州休斯頓地區,北加州舊金山地區,南加州洛杉磯地區,伊利諾伊州芝 加哥地區,以及加州圣芭芭拉地區落地,在地面數碼和有綫網播出,並將中國中央電視台 英文紀錄片頻道(CCTV-9)落地芝加哥和圣芭芭拉地區播出。全美總覆蓋超過5,600 萬 收視人群。
美國朗思傳媒集團與中國中央電視台合作至今已有16 年,本次中央電視臺與集團再 次簽約,將繼續在美國多個地區落地播出,旨在传承中华文明,服务美國地區的华人觀眾; 讓美國人瞭解中國的文化,經濟,建設和旅遊,并借此透過中國的視角與世界交流。中國 中央電視台以獨特的定位和理念:“全球的觸角,中國的眼光,世界的窗口”,正在吸引 著北美地區越來越多關注的目光。