Miss Asia Pageant started in 1985 hosted by Hong Kong ATV. Constantly striving for creativity and innovations, it constantly reached new heights in beauty pageant record. Starting in 2004, the contest started accepting participants from countries such as South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, truely transforming the event to become international. Now the words “Miss Asia” have become a symbol of beauty, intelligent, talent, and status, and is something where audience around the globe look forward to each year.
2012 Miss Asia Pageant U.S. Division is hosted by WCETV – R&C Media Group, Inc. Up to now, R&C Media Group has hosted Miss Asia Pageant four times and is experience in various areas of the contest. This has ensured the success of the contest. in 2012.
亞洲小姐始於1985年,由香港ATV主辦。本著不斷求變、創意求新的精神,屢創選美史上的先河。 2004年除港澳特區賽區外,大賽首次接受亞洲地區如韓國、日本、新加坡、馬來西亞等國佳麗參加, 真正走向國際化并獲得空前成功。目前,“亞洲小姐”四個字已經成為美麗、智慧、才華、身份的象徵,也成為全球觀眾每年的期待。
2012亞洲小姐北美賽區由WCETV銀視網主辦。此前,WCETV銀視網已主辦過四節亞洲小姐北美賽區的賽事,再加上多年的製作經驗、 創新求變的製作理念、專業的製作團隊、尖端的製作設備、優秀的行銷團隊充分保證了2012大賽的圓滿成功。