On October 1, 2017 during the Autumn Festival, KVMD’s Ch. 31.4 celebrated it’s sixth anniversary of innovative development in new media in our Los Angeles studio. Overseas Chinese politicians, leaders, and special guests joined us in the celebration.
2017年10月1日金秋時節,KVMD Ch31.4廣東國際美洲臺六周年慶於洛杉磯朗思傳媒的演播廳里隆重舉行。眾多政要、僑領、廠商客戶、忠實觀眾等嘉賓蒞臨表達祝賀之意。
California Senator Josh Newman, Walnut’s City Council Woman Mary Su, and other local officials in the United States joined with R&C Media Group, Inc. President, Billy Chung, in conjunction with numerous overseas company communities were involved to bringing this event together.
廣東國際美洲臺慶典活動上,加州參議員Josh Newman、核桃市市長蘇王秀蘭等美國當地政府官員、台灣利得 生物科技股份有限公司董事長林進忠、美國朗思傳媒集團总裁Billy Chung及當地社團僑領百余人到場慶賀,共襄盛舉。

During the celebration, California Senator Josh Newman and the City Councilwoman of Walnut Mary Su issued a congratulatory message to GDTV-America in their sixth year anniversary of new media. The event focused on the service that its broadcast provides and how it brings together the community through endless streaming of programs to Chinese audiences throughout Southern California. Exciting performances brought the event to life.
慶祝活動中,加州參議員Josh Newman的代表,核桃市市長蘇王秀蘭及當地政府官員向廣東國際美洲台頒發賀狀,祝賀廣東國際美洲臺成立六周年,以肯定六年來廣東國際美洲臺為洛杉磯華人社區帶來的服務和工作,為在南加州的華人觀眾帶來源源不絕的精彩節目。晚宴活動有歷届廣東台金牌節目《麥王爭霸》美西賽區冠軍現場助唱,及其他精彩的表演節目將活動氣氛推向高潮。
In 2012, GDTV and R&C Media Group, Inc. successfully united in Los Angeles, laying down the great foundation for competitiveness in expanding the Chinese cultural influence throughout North America. Over the past six years, GDTV-America grew to cover 16 million viewers and holds several talent shows, such as “King of Mic,” “Miss Bikini,” “International Car Model Competition” where the audience receives the best of China and Guangdong.
Looking back at the six years, GDTV-America pursued innovation and entertainment that features changing of the times that develops through cultural education and influence. With new media, China has the opportunity to relive and look towards economic and cultural advancements.
廣東廣播電視臺還與朗思傳媒集團旗下的WCETV銀視網合作, 節目除在地面數碼無綫播放外,在網上以及手機也同步直播,將美洲臺的優質節目帶入世界的各個角落,受到了大洛杉磯地區及世界各地華人觀眾的熱烈歡迎。

We want to extend a special thank you to all the people who helped make this possible. That includes the numerous sponsors throughout the years, the loyal audience and clients, and the amazing team at GDTV and GDTV-America.