Fujian Media Group Welcomes Billy Chung
R&C Media Group, Inc. President Billy Chung meets with Fujian Radio and Television Group on July 5th, 2017. A segment from Fujian Radio and Television. View the original source by clicking here. Originally posted on July 6th, 2017.
美國朗思傳媒集團總裁Billy Chung訪問福建省廣播影視集團

On July 5th, Chairman Xianghui Zeng made arrangements for President of R&C Media Group, Inc. to visit the Fujian Radio and Television Media Group.
7月5日,美國朗思傳媒集團總裁Billy Chung前來福建考察、訪問。集團黨組書記、董事長曾祥輝專程到Billy下榻的酒店看望。
Cultural Exchange In Action
Chairman of Fujian Media Group, Xianghui Zeng, welcomed Billy Chung’s visit. He thanked Billy for his support for the partnership with Strait TV. Chairman of the board called R&C Media Group, Inc. one of the largest and most influential groups in the United States catering to the Chinese population. With this amazing opportunity to cooperate with this audience will continue to promote cultural exchanges.
曾祥輝董事長歡迎Billy Chung來訪,感謝其對旅遊頻道、海峽衛視在銀視網順利測試播出所給予的支持。曾祥輝董事長表示,美國朗思傳媒集團是美國最具規模及影響力的媒體集團之一,特別是華人受眾集中,希望雙方加強交流合作,共同推動福建電視節目“走出去”、實現國際傳播。會談中,Billy Chung表示,願進一步加強並持續推動雙方合作、密切文化交流。
At Headquarters
Billy Chung visited the headquarters of Fujian Radio and Television Media Group to meet with the leaders and introduce himself to the various departments.
7月6日下午,Billy Chung訪問集團本部,與集團領導和相關部門負責人進行了友好交流座談。

Meeting with Fujian Board
Mr. Zhan Wang, member and Vice Chairman of the Fujian Media Group, briefed Billy Chung on the organization structure, history, and development. Participants exchanged views on local media status, ratings, programming, new media technology, and content operations.
集團黨組成員、副董事長王展向Billy Chung介紹了集團的組織架構、各頻率頻道和福建網絡廣播電視台的發展情況。與會人員就地方媒體現狀、收視率,集團節目製作情況、新媒體技術水平和內容運營現狀等方面進行了交流。
WCETV is a collection of digital TV channels, Internet TV, IP TV, mobile television, and is a 24 hour 7 days a week option to view the programs around the world. At present, the company has become the new broadcast platform to reach Strait TV programs. The group’s new media center has successfully managed program signal transmission with little to no technical issues with ratings through the roof.
Continued Success
This visit between R&C Media Group, Inc. President, Billy Chung, and Fujian Television Media Group worked together to build the IP TV integrated broadcast control platform that would build the partnership to utmost success.
座談會後,Billy Chung參觀了旅遊頻道、集團IPTV集成播控平台和福建網絡廣播電視台(海博TV)內容編輯機房。