Mid-Autumn Festival Photo Exhibition in Guangdong 慶賀中秋,美麗廣東圖片展 On October 4th, R&C Media Group, Inc. joined the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, California. Performance artists from backgrounds in China, South Korea, and Vietnam put together the ultimate multicultural celebration in conjunction with the “Beautiful Guangdong” photo exhibition....
GDTV-America (Ch 31.4) 6 Years Anniversary
On October 1, 2017 during the Autumn Festival, KVMD’s Ch. 31.4 celebrated it’s sixth anniversary of innovative development in new media in our Los Angeles studio. Overseas Chinese politicians, leaders, and special guests joined us in the celebration. 2017年10月1日金秋時節,KVMD Ch31.4廣東國際美洲臺六周年慶於洛杉磯朗思傳媒的演播廳里隆重舉行。眾多政要、僑領、廠商客戶、忠實觀眾等嘉賓蒞臨表達祝賀之意。 California Senator Josh Newman, Walnut’s City Council Woman Mary Su, and other local officials...
2017 Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse was a wonder to people across North America. With our offices located just outside the skirts of Downtown Los Angeles, we took a glimpse at this beauty. In attempt to capture this once in a lifetime moment, we snapped a few shots and saved our eyes from damage caused by looking...
2017 King of Mic Singing Contest | Apply Now!
Welcome back, everyone! King of Mic singing contest is back and it’s in full force. We’re opening up our contest to singers in LA. Join us in this year’s contest and win an opportunity to go to Guangzhou, China to participate in the finals. King of Mic 2017 Rules 關於《嘜王爭霸》 2017 “King of Mic”...
Fujian Radio and Television Group
Fujian Media Group Welcomes Billy Chung R&C Media Group, Inc. President Billy Chung meets with Fujian Radio and Television Group on July 5th, 2017. A segment from Fujian Radio and Television. View the original source by clicking here. Originally posted on July 6th, 2017. 美國朗思傳媒集團總裁Billy Chung訪問福建省廣播影視集團 發佈時間:2017-07-06 來源:福建省廣播影視集團新媒體中心 On July 5th, Chairman Xianghui Zeng...
GDTV 5th Anniversary
GDTV 5th Anniversary in North America 廣東國際美洲臺Ch31.4五周年曁電視劇《漂》美國版啓動儀式 On September 24, 2016, KVMD’s GDTV Ch 31.4 celebrated its GDTV 5th Anniversary airing in North America. With the support of the viewers, the amazing team at GDTV that has entrusted us, and the family we have here in our studios has helped us to be who...
King Mic 2016 Recap
King Mic 2016 Recap – West Coast Division Competition 2016《麥王爭霸》火热进行 美西赛区嘜王誕生 On September 10, 2016, we hosted the 4th King of Mic Competition on behalf of GDTV on Ch. 31.4. Located at the R&C Studios, we showcased some truly talented men, women and children. 由廣東電視臺珠江頻道主辦的2016《麥王爭霸》全球歌唱大匯今夏火熱開戰。今年《麥王爭霸》美西赛区由廣東國際美洲臺Ch31.4攜手WCETV銀視網主辦,於9月10日在R&C Studios圓滿落下帷幕。 Since its launch in 2011, King of Mic has...
WCETV 20th Anniversary
WCETV 20th Anniversary WCETV銀視網二十周年,不斷創新,科技領先 On August 20th, 2016, we celebrated WCETV’s 20th Anniversary with R&C Media Group, Inc. It has been twenty years of continuous love and support from our employees, past and present, from our media partners, and especially from our viewers. We were blessed to have this celebration with people of our...
WCM Press Conference Recap
WCM Press Conference Recap (WCM Press Conference Recap) Women of China is a magazine that unites women around the world. And the magazine does so by telling compelling stories of bold women and their life journey builds a bond between women who experience similar events. This magazine is meant to inspire and entertain. 《中國女性》美洲版首刊發行 《中國女性》美洲版首刊新聞發布會由中國婦女外文期刊社和WCETV銀視網共同主辦,於2016年7月29日上午在南海岸廣場(South Coast...
WCM Press Conference
WCM Press Conference Recap: Women’s Foreign Language Publications of China, affiliated with the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF), publishes two magazines, WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly and WOMEN OF CHINA Chinese Overseas Edition, each month. It also publishes a website—www.womenofchina.cn. WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly was first published in the early 1950s. It is sponsored and...