
10月25日至26日,美國朗思傳媒集團在位於洛杉磯的演播廳舉行了為期兩天的集團成立三十週年慶祝活動。南加州眾多政要、僑領、廠商客戶及忠實觀眾蒞臨表達祝賀之意,活動現場高朋滿座,其樂融融。 在三十週年慶晚宴上,集團總裁Billy Chung代表公司發言,向各界朋友和忠實觀眾三十年來的支持表達感謝之情。中國駐洛杉磯總領事館新聞組組長高飛,蒙特利公園市市長樑橋漢,南海岸購物廣場旅遊市場總監全泓康紛紛發言致辭,祝賀朗思傳媒集團三十年來取得的成就。駐洛杉磯台北經文處新聞組組長莊璧璘向Billy轉交了駐洛杉磯台北經文處處長朱文祥的感謝狀,以感謝三十年來朗思傳媒集團對洛杉磯華人社區做出的貢獻,為當地華人帶來了源源不絕的精彩電視節目節目,豐富了他們的娛樂生活。 三十年來從最早的朗思製作公司開始,不斷拓展業務發展成為集電視廣播影視與廣告製作為一體,從策劃到創作,製作到播出,為客戶提供全面專業化傳媒服務的媒體集團,也成長為全美最具影響力的華裔媒體之一,與包括微軟、Bloomberg、MSNBC TV、中國中央電視台、中國電影集團等幾十家具有影響力的企業和集團緊密合作;擁有14個數字頻道、2個廣播頻道,WCETV銀視網、是華人媒體中首個研發並支持谷歌Chromecast技術的媒體,以科技為原動力不斷創新走在媒體前沿,為全球觀眾提供及時的新聞資訊和豐富多彩的娛樂節目。 晚宴活動表演在舞蹈《麗人行》中拉開帷幕,風雅的古箏獨奏,唯美的中國民族舞、現代舞,熱烈的Hip-Hop歌曲演唱……精彩紛呈的演出將活動氣氛推向了高潮,來賓們齊聚在此度過了一個美好的夜晚。...

Voice of Canton 2019

We’re accepting new applications for the Voice of Canton! We’re so excited to announce that the Voice of Canton 2019 is back with new talent and new faces that represent Cantonese culture. We can’t wait to hear from you. 2019 Voice of Canton Application Form 關於《粵語好聲音》 2019 “Voice of Canton” singing competition strikes again!...

GDTV-America (Ch 31.4) 6 Years Anniversary

On October 1, 2017 during the Autumn Festival, KVMD’s Ch. 31.4 celebrated it’s sixth anniversary of innovative development in new media in our Los Angeles studio. Overseas Chinese politicians, leaders, and special guests joined us in the celebration. 2017年10月1日金秋時節,KVMD Ch31.4廣東國際美洲臺六周年慶於洛杉磯朗思傳媒的演播廳里隆重舉行。眾多政要、僑領、廠商客戶、忠實觀眾等嘉賓蒞臨表達祝賀之意。 California Senator Josh Newman, Walnut’s City Council Woman Mary Su, and other local officials...

2017 Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse was a wonder to people across North America. With our offices located just outside the skirts of Downtown Los Angeles, we took a glimpse at this beauty. In attempt to capture this once in a lifetime moment, we snapped a few shots and saved our eyes from damage caused by looking...

2017 King of Mic Singing Contest | Apply Now!

Welcome back, everyone! King of Mic singing contest is back and it’s in full force. We’re opening up our contest to singers in LA. Join us in this year’s contest and win an opportunity to go to Guangzhou, China to participate in the finals. King of Mic 2017 Rules 關於《嘜王爭霸》 2017 “King of Mic”...