2016年恰逢CCTV – News休斯頓55.2頻道開播六週年,WCETV銀視網於5月21日在休斯頓Marriott Westchase酒店隆重舉行《中國中央電視台新聞頻道CCTV-News落地休士頓六週年觀眾見面會活動》 ,在慶祝中央電視台新聞頻道休斯頓六週年之際廣邀休斯頓當地政商名流和忠實觀眾一起座談,其中包括中國駐休斯頓副總領事趙宇敏、休斯頓副市長Jerry Davis,國會議員Al Green代表譚秋晴,美南報業電視傳媒集團董事長李蔚等眾多政商名流、僑領代表及忠實觀眾皆蒞臨現場表達祝賀之意。更多資訊請登錄rc-media.com或wcetvdigital.com
WCETV held the “CCTV-News Houston KTBU 55.2 6th Anniversary and Viewer Feedback Meeting” in Marriott Westchase hotel in Houston, Texas on May 21, 2016, with officials, local celebrities and CCTV-News’ viewers together to celebrate its 6th anniversary, including Chinese Deputy Consul General in Houston Zhao Yumin, Houston Vice Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Davis, Representative of Congressman Al Green, Southern News Group Chairman CEO Wea Lee and others. For more information please go to rc-media.com or wcetvdigital.com.
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