WCM Press Conference

WCM Press Conference Recap: Women’s Foreign Language Publications of China, affiliated with the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF), publishes two magazines, WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly and WOMEN OF CHINA Chinese Overseas Edition, each month. It also publishes a website—www.womenofchina.cn.

WCM Press Conference Recap

WOMEN OF CHINA English Monthly was first published in the early 1950s. It is sponsored and administered by ACWF, which is the largest women’s non-governmental organization in China. It is distributed to more than 130 countries and regions. Since its first edition, WOMEN OF CHINA has been acclaimed by readers from home and overseas. The publication is the only comprehensive monthly English-language magazine in China that has the specific purpose of introducing Chinese women to the world. The magazine communicates, through in-depth reports, the wonder of Chinese culture and the reality of Chinese women’s lives, including their experiences and perspectives, their past and present goals and achievements, their concerns, and the colorful lives of women from China’s 56 ethnic groups.

In WCM Conference Recap, we see WOMEN OF CHINA Chinese Overseas Edition, which was first published in 2001, is administered by ACWF and sponsored by the Women’s Foreign Language Publications of China. It is a comprehensive Chinese magazine specifically for domestic and overseas Chinese women readers. The magazine focuses on women’s lives, highlights the grace of Chinese women, and promotes in-depth communications among Chinese women both at home and abroad.

Sponsored by ACWF, womenofchina.cn provides comprehensive information about Chinese women and the ACWF and its happenings. The website contains news and profiles, articles about Chinese culture, discussions involving topical issues, and research and data. The website provides the world with an important window into China and the lives of Chinese women, giving purpose to WCM Press Conference Recap.

Women’s Foreign Language Publications of China, which strives to be a friend to Chinese and foreign readers, both at home and abroad, makes serving readers wholeheartedly one of its primary objectives.

WCM Press Conference Recap


中國婦女外文期刊社是中華全國婦女聯合會直屬事業單位,編輯出版《中國婦女》英文月刊和《WOMEN OF CHINA》中文海外版(《中國女性》)兩本雜誌,主辦中國婦女英文網。

《中國婦女》英文月刊由中華全國婦女聯合會主管並主辦,創刊於 50 年代

初期,是面向全世界發行的國家級英文女性刊物。本刊致力於傳播中國古今優秀文化、展示中國女性價值觀念和生存狀態,全面深入地報道中國婦女的歷史與現狀、進步與發展、各民族婦女豐富多彩的生活以及女性關注的各種問題。是中國婦女走向世界和世界瞭解中國婦女的橋樑和紐帶。雜誌自創刊以來,一直受到國內外各界人士的廣泛關注和充分的肯定,發行到 130 多個國家和地區。

《中國女性》(WOMEN OF CHINA 中文海外版)是由全國婦聯主管、中國婦女外文期刊社主辦並出版的國家級女性主流期刊,創刊於 2001 年,面向海內




