Sceptre’s Miss Bikini Pageant Finals 2015

On June 27, 2015 R&C Studios and WCETV partnered with GDTV to host the Miss Bikini Pageant 2015. Women of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds entered the U.S.A division to win a round trip ticket to Guangzhou to praticipate in the GDTV World Championship Final. On top of that, the U.S.A division winner received a $5,000 gift certificate for Sceptre Products. The runner up received a $2,000 gift certificate and the second runner up received a $1,000 gift certificate.

The contestants participated in three exciting rounds: Talent, Sportswear, and Bikini. In these rounds, the women had a chance to win Miss Bikini U.S.A, Miss Bikini 2nd Place, and Miss Bikini 3rd Place.

By the end of the contest three women had risen to the top with scores that were just points away from one another. In the end, the title of Miss Bikini U.S.A 2015 belongs now to Miss Kristina Karpechenkova. Second place belonging to Miss Bibi Chen and third place belonging to Michelle Wang.

由廣東廣播電視台攜手廣東國際美洲台 Ch31.4 及 WCETV 銀視網,主辦的 2015 第八 屆萬人比基尼大賽——賽普特美洲賽區于 6 月 27 日在朗思演播廳完美落下帷幕。來自不 同國家,不同文化背景的佳麗在這個舞臺上盡情的展現自我,為到場的觀眾帶來了一場熱 烈美麗的比基尼盛宴。

美洲賽區決賽共設三個環節:運動裝秀,才藝表演及比基尼展示。經過三個回合激 烈的角逐,評選出了前三甲比基尼皇后,以及最上鏡小姐,最佳比基尼小姐,最佳才藝 獎,最佳運動服裝展示等多個獎項。決賽前一天還在李興華翡翠金城由到場觀眾投票選出 最受歡迎小姐。美洲賽區冠軍獲得了由賽普特精品電視送出的現金禮券$5000 美元,亞軍 現金禮券$2000 美元,季軍現金禮券$1000 美元等豐厚大獎。。

“萬人比基尼”活動在中國廣東已經舉辦過七屆,每次“大趴體”都會成為一段時間 的社會熱點話題。活動吸引數千名青春靚麗的比基尼女孩報名參加,在廣東地區著名的 “全球必去水上樂園”盡情綻放她們的美麗。參加如此受關注的活動,也成為這些參賽者 美好的回憶。今年這一火辣盛世也在洛杉磯由廣東國際美洲台與 WCETV 銀視網聯合主辦 并圓滿落下帷幕。 WCETV 銀視網擁有強勁的製作團隊,開辦以來,始終以創新的服務理 念、優秀的製作水準、豐富的舉辦活動經驗、及時的信息反饋得到業內外的廣泛好評。

View the full page cover story on the event in: IEntertainment Magazine
